ASCOM Filterwheel & Focuser Combo
There are plenty of Motorised Filterwheels on the market and the same for Motorised Focuser. But if you are on a budget and not scared of a bit of electronics DIY, you can easily motorise both. I have done this for both my Filterwheel and Focuser.
In my case I used 2 NEMA14 motors and an Arduino Nano.
On the right you see two images of the way I made it work for my setup. It does require a bit of DIY work.
See below the schematic for the electronics. Initially I used the DRV8825 motor drivers, but recently I upgraded these to TMC2209 motor drivers. These make the NEMA14 motors very quiet and no vibration on the telescope.
See below the electronics schematic.
You can design your own housing for the electronics, which ever best fit your setup. I have a PCB design for the electronics to fit a Hammond 1593LALBK or the Hammond 1593KALBK.
If you are interested in the PCB for the schematic above, please contact me. If PCB comes without any of the components, so you need to order the components yourself and then solder them on the PCB.
This setup is supported by Arduino Code and ASCOM drivers which is fully open source and can be found on GitHub here.
The Focuser mount is 3D printed and the design can be found here:
Yes, this project is entirely opensource and might not be perfect. But if you use this for your own design or use this design for your Telescope setup, please give me some credit.